I Really hope you enjoy this Ash, its something that’s snowballed from a quick hop treasure hunt to what I hope is a good mystery for you.
I can give hints if you get stuck, but I know you well enough to know your probs smart enough to do it without anyhelp.
I hope you enjoy….

The Hound Of The Bratervilles Puzzle/Murder Mystery/Treasurehunt

Cassie receives an odd package in her pigeonhole at the police station, the receptionist does not remember a package being delivered and the CCTV has never worked in that area of the police station. After getting Fido the bomb dog to check for explosives and Rose the CSI tech to do an ERT (test) on the package it seems to be safe. You cautiously open the package and inside is a jigsaw. Neatly Folded in the box is a map of Rockford hills, this seems to match up with the puzzle pieces, but there is something different about them.
As you empty the puzzle pieces from the box, out drops a key.

To The Jigsaw